Following FineTobaccoNYC just got that much easier!

The past two months have found me completely inundated with college work. My senior thesis, finals, and a stack of topics to write papers on. In that time, I haven’t set up many events, but I have put some serious work into improving the website and expanding FTNYC into more online venues – more on our other sites later.

The most important update is that I just added a nifty new tool to the FTNYC Facebook page that makes it that much easier to join the event mailing list. You can still send me an email at to join, but now interested individuals can simply submit their emails through the Facebook page. Individuals can also register to hear about events on the “FineTobaccoNYC Events” page that has a form like this one:

Error: Contact form not found.

So, you can now connect with FineTobaccoNYC through:

Matthias Clock: Brand evangelist, digital marketer, cigar and spirits expert specializing in consumer tasting and educational events. Matthias made the long trek from his hometown of Portland, Oregon to New York City in 2007, and in nine years has hosted more than 120 events and helped promote and launch dozens of cigar and whiskey brands in the U.S. In 2016, he joined the Cigar Journal Tasting Panel, blind-reviewing pre and new release cigars.