Davidoff recently celebrated their first “Golden Band” awards, recognizing the many cigar shops and business owners who help make Davidoff the brand that it is. It looks like it was a pretty lavish party, and hopefully will continue as a tradition next year.
From the website:
“The inaugural Davidoff Golden Band Award Show honored those Appointed Merchants that truly embody the Davidoff standard of excellence. The first annual awards show was part of an exclusive Davidoff event on August 4th at IPCPR in Orlando, Florida. The Golden Band Awards materialized from the brand¹s success, rooted in decades of long-standing partnerships with trusted merchants. Davidoff has a long history of working with its family of retailers to help them expand their businesses, discuss best practices and grow the Davidoff brand, hand in hand. The awards are an opportunity to officially recognize these retailers for their commitment and passion for Davidoff.”