Best of the Best: Nat Sherman Cigars (Video)

Every now and again as I’m surfing the web I come across some unique video content that deserves shared. I’ve shared a few other videos in the past, and this video, produced by The Street is certainly up to snuff. It’s a bit dated (January 2012), but it still gives a good idea of what Nat Sherman is like. In front of the camera is Nat Sherman figurehead Michael Herklots.

Address: 12 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017

Phone:  (800) 692-4427

Mon-Fri 9am–7pm
Sat 10am–7pm
Sun Closed

Transit: W 42 St – 5 Av

Matthias Clock: Brand evangelist, digital marketer, cigar and spirits expert specializing in consumer tasting and educational events. Matthias made the long trek from his hometown of Portland, Oregon to New York City in 2007, and in nine years has hosted more than 120 events and helped promote and launch dozens of cigar and whiskey brands in the U.S. In 2016, he joined the Cigar Journal Tasting Panel, blind-reviewing pre and new release cigars.