The name Davidoff boasts a vision of a life in pursuit of quality and the best life has to offer. Their cigar making is founded on the best tobacco and presentation, all encapsulated in their motto, “Time Beautifully Filled.” While flavor profiles vary across their lines, the cigars seem to define fine living. With the Dominicana, Davidoff gives homage to the culture and essence of the country where they produce so much. Robustos can be wonderful cigars to smoke as the size enables a lot of opportunities to blend various tobaccos into it and the time frame seems to fit most quite well. This vitola made properly can have it all.
Here’s what Edward Simon, chief marketing officer at Oettinger Davidoff AG had to say about the 2021 release:
The Davidoff Dominicana is not only a spirited example of Davidoff’s expertise and excellence in craftsmanship, but is also a statement to our enormous assortment of vintage tobacco stocks. The tobaccos harvested in 2014 have been carefully aged over six years to be eventually blended into the Davidoff Dominicana, making it a bold testimony of our vintage proposition.
It’s a fine statement, but a review should leave marketing lingo behind, and that’s why I reviewed this cigar blind-labeled, prepared by our review team.
Blend Specifics
- Cigar Reviewed: Davidoff Dominicana Robusto
- Wrapper: Dominican
- Binder: Ecuadorian
- Filler: Dominican
- Size: Robusto (5” 1/8 x 52)
Appearance & Construction
This robusto has a silky wrapper to the touch with lightly visible veins. The tight pigtail cap is a good indication of the expertise of the roller–finishing a cigars’s head in that style, especially that close on the cap, is not an easy task. As I roll it in my hands the symmetry is perfect. Giving a squeeze there are no soft spots to speak of and it feels well balanced with filler tobaccos. Smelling the foot gives off big oak and fruit notes with some must.
Flavor & Smoke Characteristics
With my Xikar Mammoth lighter I take a precision cut that clips the pigtail and just a bit of the cap off. The dry draw is just that, drying on the lips with an earthy mushroom quality. Striking a long match, I gently light the cigar and with my first puff there’s toasted oak and leather in spades. Another long draw and vanilla bean sweetness and dried plum move forward with a graham cracker finish. The rerohale is bringing those oak and toasty notes up as well as some baking spices. The strength is more on the side of full with the flavors well pronounced.
As I reach the midsection of this cigar, I’m admiring the solid white ash and perfect burn line. The construction is a fine example of what a premium cigar should be. The transition from leather and spice has now brought me to earth and chocolate leaving a creamy finish in its wake. While I let the smoke resonate in my mouth, the mouthfeel akin to that last sip of café au lait. In an interesting turn the cocoa notes yield to a cinnamon spice and more dried fruit. These flavors are a bit more subtle, slowly coaxing themselves out as I take a few puffs. The strength remains in the fuller range although never overpowering.
The sweetness returns on the final third which is balanced by leather across the palate. While the cigar is producing a waft of smoke the flavors in mouth are of black pepper with forest floor mid palate and an earth laden finish. I take another retrohale where the fruits take over and as I exhale there’s mushroom and a savory umami quality pushing through. With a few last puffs there’s bakers’ chocolate along with mint and ending in a creamy finish. A deliciously complex cigar.
This smoke was attractive at first glance with its silky wrapper finished with a well-crafted pigtail. It did not disappoint. Upon lighting, it prepped the palate with oak and leather that segued to sweetness and dried fruits. As it developed, the earth, chocolate and creaminess slowly increased. The burn was what you always appreciate in a choice cigar and stayed straight as an arrow. The strength carried itself in the fuller style in a well balanced well that did not distract from the flavors. The last part of this stick was more cocoa and savory notes that brought the cigar to an enjoyable ending.
When I found out this was the Davidoff Dominicana I was not shocked given the craftsmanship and blend. I would recommend a box for sure. Otherwise, grab one from you local shop as you will be in for a treat.