Ragi Cigar Co.—an ultra-premium cigar brand utilizing only the finest tobaccos for its cigars—is celebrating the Lunar New Year with the bold, innovative and completely unexpected release of the Ragi Cigars Year of the Tiger Nicaragua TAA Limited Edition 2022. The cigar is produced at the legendary Mi Casa Factory in San Juan del Sur by a single skilled torcedor who once rolled Cohiba for Fidel Castro and also OpusX at the Arturo Fuente cigar factory in Santiago, Dominican Republic.
“For this release, we wanted something truly special—a blend that would appeal to cigar smokers across a variety of overly tired branding schemes,” an executive at Ragi Cigar Co said anonymously via a collect call from Nicaragua. “We’re late to the party on Nicaragua, and we don’t have any relationships at TAA, but we know that the combined power of the Nicaragua, TAA, and Zodiac trends will make this cigar stand out in a market saturated with a revolving door of trendy branding.”
The cigar will debut in limited markets with an initial production run of 112 cigars and come with an MSRP of $25 per cigar. The cigar will come in two sizes, a 7 1/2 x 38 lancero geared toward “smokers who think lanceros are automatically better” and an 8 x 80 vitola the company said is sure to satisfy cigar smokers who “just need a large, arm-sized phallic object in their mouth.”