Curivari, known for the creation of the Buenaventura cigar line a decade ago, is now expanding its portfolio with the introduction of Buenaventura Maduro. The original Buenaventura blend quickly garnered attention, securing the #7 position in Cigar Aficionado’s Top 25 cigars of the Year in 2013.
Since then, Curivari has introduced several successful variants, including the Buenaventura Cremas, Pralines, and Dimensiones, all of which received accolades and mentions in Best Buy Cigars of the Year and Top 25 lists.
The new Buenaventura Maduro, developed using selected Nicaraguan tobaccos and a San Andres Maduro wrapper, presents an evolved sensory experience. The cigar is expected to offer natural sweetness with notes of cocoa, dried fruit, spices, and coffee.
Available in five sizes, the Buenaventura Maduro will be showcased at the upcoming PCA Trade Show and will be available for shipping from August 2023. The MSRP ranges from $5.50 to $9.00. This latest addition marks a significant development in the Buenaventura line.
BUENAVENTURA | – | BV 500 MAD | 5 1/4 x 50 | $75.00 | 10 | ||||||
MADURO | BV 560 MAD | 5 1/2 x 56 | $80.00 | 10 | |||||||
BV 600 MAD | 6 x 60 | $90.00 | 10 | ||||||||
MINI BV MAD | 3 1/2 X 50 | $110.00 | 20 | ||||||||
PETIT BV MAD | 4 1/4 X 54 | $130.00 | 20 |
- Full Cigar Name: Buenaventura Maduro
- Wrapper (Country of Origin): Mexico
- Binder (Country of Origin): Nicaragua
- Filler (Country of Origin): Nicaragua
- Country of Manufacture: Nicaragua
- Country of Manufacture: Nicaragua