In 1968, Joya de Nicaragua made its debut and significantly contributed to the transformation of the town of Estelí in Northern Nicaragua into a cigar-making hub. The brand’s hand-rolled Nicaraguan cigars gained immense popularity in the U.S, becoming the country’s top choice for premium cigars within just 50 years.
To celebrate their 55th anniversary, Joya de Nicaragua announced the U.S return of the Joya de Nicaragua Clásico Original, the first Nicaraguan cigar to be exported and even the chosen cigar at the White House. According to the company’s Executive President, Juan Martinez, the Clásico is a perfect introduction to the world of cigars, with a delicate taste that appeals to beginners.
In terms of production, the Clásico Original, will only be available to Club de Amigos of JDN members, a community created for Joya de Nicaragua’s top retailers. The Clásico Original features an Ecuadorian Connecticut shade wrapper and rich Nicaraguan fillers and binders, resulting in a smooth, woody, and subtle smoke with hints of creaminess and pepper.
Available in four formats, each in 25-count boxes, the cigars are priced as follows: Robusto 5 X 50 ($8), Toro 6 X 50 ($9), Churchill 6 7/8 X 48 ($9), and Torpedo 6 X 52 ($9).
The Clásico Original will be showcased at the PCA Convention and Trade Show in Las Vegas this July, and at Intertabac in Dortmund, Germany, in September 2023.