Joya de Nicaragua, the first cigar factory in Nicaragua and a long-standing pillar of the cigar industry, has announced the release of “Cinco de Cinco,” a new addition to its ultra-premium Obras Maestras line. The cigar celebrates the company’s 55th anniversary, serving as a testament to its longevity, expertise, and deep roots in the Nicaraguan tobacco community.
Juan Ignacio Martínez, Executive President of Joya de Nicaragua, says, “This cigar was made with the people, by the people, and for the people. Our past is all about tobacco. Our bright future is all about tobacco. We are here, stronger than ever, thanks to our wonderful community of amigos.”
The name “Cinco de Cinco” translates to “Five out of Five” and is reflective of the exceptional craftsmanship poured into this special release. This perfect scoring recipe is the product of the countless cigar blending sessions held at Joya de Nicaragua’s factory in Estelí, during which the company’s master blenders pored over hundreds of blending records.
The Cinco de Cinco cigar boasts ultra-vintage tobaccos, including a Mexican San Andres wrapper and Nicaraguan fillers and binders, presented in a soft-pressed format. The blend has been described as a five out of five in profile and complexity: full-bodied and medium strength, offering deep, rich, earthy flavors complemented by hints of cocoa and dark chocolate. The cigar comes wrapped in an eye-catching emerald green. Martínez explains, “An emerald symbolizes love, wisdom, growth, and prosperity—values very much embodied in this blend. It is indeed a rare and mystical jewel.”
The Cinco de Cinco will make its grand debut at the PCA Convention and Trade Show in Las Vegas this July and will be made available to all retailers at the event. The cigar will also be featured at InterTabac in Dortmund in September 2023. It will hit US shelves starting in September, with a global release following in October.
Cigar enthusiasts can anticipate five distinct, semi-box pressed vitolas, with three available in the USA and two exclusive for international markets. The cigars will come in 10-count boxes, providing ample opportunity for aficionados worldwide to experience this celebratory release.