Camacho has officially unveiled their newest addition to the core line, the Camacho Broadleaf. This cigar blends Honduran and Dominican tobaccos, notably featuring a signature Broadleaf wrapper grown in Honduras. This is a departure from the norm, as the conventional wrapper of choice is usually sourced from the Connecticut River Valley. The previous well-known Camacho cigar featuring a Broadleaf wrapper was the Camacho American Barrel-Aged, which included American tobaccos aged in spent bourbon barrels.
Edward Simon, CMO at Oettinger Davidoff, commended the master blenders in Honduras for their work, stating, “They created a cigar line which is not only excellent in taste, but also bold and fearless in attitude.” Simon also highlighted the darker Broadleaf wrapper, describing it as lending “an oily, almost silky appearance and a creamy note to the taste profile.”
The Camacho Broadleaf will be available in three sizes at launch: Robusto (5″ x 50, $9.25 per cigar), Toro (6″ x 50, $9.75 per cigar), and Gordo (6″ x 60, $10.50 per cigar). Packaged in boxes of 20 cigars, the blend is described as a “medium intense smoke.” Shipping to retailers will commence in early September, with an official release date of September 7, 2023 in the U.S. and September 15, 2023 in Germany and Switzerland.