Foundation Cigar Co. is making headlines once again with the shipment of its much-anticipated release, the Tabernacle Knight Commander. This distinctive cigar has been described as one of the company’s most eagerly awaited products and is set to arrive at retailers following the recent shipments of Foundation’s Charter Oak and Metapa cigars.
The inspiration behind the Tabernacle Knight Commander traces its roots to the Ethiopian heritage of previous Tabernacle cigars from Foundation. This release was sparked by a significant moment in the life of Nick Melillo, the owner and founder of Foundation Cigar Co. In January 2022, Melillo was honored with the prestigious Knight Commander of The Ethiopian Star of Honor.
The Ethiopian Star of Honor is a revered order of knighthood that dates back to 1889 when it was established by Emperor Menelik. It was created to recognize the contributions of foreign and domestic civilian and military individuals to the Ethiopian Empire. The Tabernacle Knight Commander cigar stands as a tribute to this noble accolade, reflecting the profound pride and respect associated with it.
The blend of the Tabernacle Knight Commander is a testament to the craftsmanship of Foundation Cigar Co. It boasts a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, a Mexican San Andrés binder, and a combination of Nicaraguan fillers sourced from the Estelí and Jalapa growing regions. After rolling, these cigars were meticulously aged for 18 months on cedar, resulting in a cigar presented in an impressive 6¾” x 52 perfecto format and packaged in 12-count boxes.
Nicholas Melillo, the visionary behind Foundation Cigar Company, expressed his sentiments regarding the Ethiopian Star of Honor award. He considers it an extraordinary privilege and a once-in-a-lifetime honor. The Knight Commander vitola, embodied in this cigar release, represents his tribute to this esteemed recognition. Importantly, 100% of all wholesale proceeds from the Tabernacle Knight Commander will be channeled directly to charitable causes, thus contributing significantly to the lives of Ethiopians.
Foundation Cigar Co. has embarked on a unique philanthropic endeavor with the Tabernacle Knight Commander. The company is committed to donating the entire proceeds from this limited project to Ethiopian Charities. The aim is to support a range of philanthropic initiatives, from scholarships to the restoration of churches. The Tabernacle Knight Commander cigars have been intentionally restricted to a production of 700 boxes, totaling 8,400 cigars, and are available at an MSRP of $40 per cigar.