cigar news

Cigar Bid vs Cigar Auctioneer

[updated 2/7/2018] When it comes to online cigar shops, consumers have a lot of options…

Cigar Review: 2004 Davidoff Wagner Limited Edition

Davidoff is no stranger to pitching "Limited" cigars in their portfolio and the Davidoff "Wagner…

CLOSED: Merchants NY Cigar Bar

UPDATE: as of December 2, 2020, Merchants Cigar Bar is now reopened after four years.…

Cigar Review: Hispaniola Tres Carabelas

This past week I was luckily enough to meet with the creators of the Hispaniola…

Cigar Review: Aging Room M356 Forte

I was lucky enough to smoke another one of Rafael Nodal's Aging Room creations in…

Review: Sindicato Robusto

Recently I had the pleasure of smoking the new Flagship cigar from Sindicato aptly called…