Kelvin Batista

Kelvin Batista is a cigar enthusiast who discovered the marvelous world of cigars over ten years ago and has been captivated ever since. Among other things, he brings a fresh perspective and serendipity to Fine Tobacco NYC, including in depth cigar and cigar related reviews as well as event planning. Kelvin has a passion for bringing people together to promote and preserve connoisseur culture in New York City.

Blind Review: Davidoff Signature 2000

Davidoff has always represented an understated elegance and refinement in the cigar industry.  Their conservative…

My Father S Special Review

It is a great time to be alive if you’re a cigar smoker.  Today, we…

Cigar Review: Puros Rocha Toro Especial

One of the things I love about living in New York City and the underground…

Cigar Review: La Duena Belicoso #2

When asked what is my favorite cigar vitola, I usually answer with belicoso. Coming in…

Event Recap: Sip & Smoke @ Refugio Cigar House

After a blistering long cold week, I looked forward to hanging out with some old…