Think that enjoying a cigar is as easy as lighting it and puffing away?
Think again.
- Did you select a cigar that suites your palate?
- Did you ruin your cigar by cutting it improperly?
- Are you ruining your experience by smoking too quickly or slowly?
- Are you making yourself look silly by licking your cigar or breaking other rule of etiquette?
- Could you enjoy your cigar more by knowing more about what you are tasting and experiencing in the aroma?
Whether you have an upcoming meeting with a boss or client or just want to enjoy cigars more, our private Cigar 101 courses for private groups or corporate events will give you the foundational knowledge to select, cut, light, smoke, judge, and ultimately enjoy cigars more.
For more information or to schedule a private Cigar 101 course, please use the contact form below.