Misplaced Cigar Burns Family’s Home
We’ve reported on it before, and we will report on it again: put your cigar out properly, or risk the lives of those you love. Another house was burned in Brunswick two days ago because of smoking negligence. It appears a cigar smoker decided to throw away his still-burning cigar in his second floor bedroom, where it caught fire and nearly burned the entire house down. And now a family of five has no place to live.
The story on TroyRecord.com reports:
“The fire started in a waste basket in a second floor bedroom around 11 p.m. Sunday, said Chief Steve Willson with Brunswick Fire Company No. 1. Since there was a skylight in the room, flames were coming through the roof when police and fire crews arrived at the fully-involved scene.
The family was home at the time but got out safely, he said.”
Please, put your cigar outside, and make sure it is disposed of properly, or you might lose your home or even lose a loved one.