Cohiba Releases Biometric Humidor with Exclusive Cigar Selection
Cohiba has introduced the Cohiba Biometric Humidor, a new product combining a secure storage solution for cigars with a selection of the brand’s offerings. This humidor is notable for its biometric locking mechanism, which allows access via the owner’s fingerprint or a provided key.
The humidor’s design features a high-gloss red and black lacquer finish and contains staggered tiers for storing cigars. It comes with 106 cigars, including a mix of Cohiba’s traditional lines and the Cohiba Red Dot Reserve, a cigar exclusive to this humidor.
Sean Williams, Cohiba Brand Ambassador, highlighted the humidor’s role in showcasing Cohiba’s presence in the cigar industry.
Included in the humidor is a collection of Toro-sized Cohiba cigars, among them:
- Cohiba XV (original)
- Cohiba Spectre editions from 2018, 2019, and 2021
- Cohiba Silencio
- Cohiba EdiciĆ³n Diamante
- Cohiba Royale
- Cohiba Red Dot Reserve
The Cohiba Biometric Humidor is a limited edition, with only 130 units produced, priced at $5,500 MSRP. It is expected to be available to retailers from mid-November. This release from Cohiba blends cigar storage technology with a curated selection of the brand’s cigars.