Michael Knowles Launches Mayflower Cigars Line


Michael Knowles, a popular podcast host and political commentator, has announced the launch of a new cigar line, Mayflower Cigars. Knowles, known for his appearances on Smoke Night LIVE and his work with The Daily Wire, is also a longtime cigar enthusiast.

Mayflower Cigars are handcrafted in Esteli, Nicaragua, in collaboration with designers from Oliva Cigar Co. Knowles shared that cigars have had a significant impact on his life, aiding in his college admission and in securing a show with The Daily Wire.

The cigar line features two blends in six vitolas. The Mayflower Dawn blend, which is mild-to-medium-bodied, uses an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, Cameroon binder, and Nicaraguan fillers. It is available in Robusto, Toro, and Churchill sizes. The Mayflower Dusk blend is medium-to-full-bodied, featuring an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, Sumatra binder, and Nicaraguan fillers, offered in Robusto, Toro, and Toro Gordo sizes.

The branding of Mayflower Cigars draws inspiration from Knowles’ family heritage and American history, with a nod to his ancestors who were among the Pilgrims that landed in New England on November 11, 1620. Knowles highlighted the historical significance of tobacco in America, tracing its roots back to Christopher Columbus’s discovery in 1492 and its cultivation by figures like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.

Mayflower Cigars represent a fusion of Knowles’ personal history, love for cigars, and American heritage.