Luxury Cigar Club Expands Its Presence with Rail City Cigars Partnership


In a move aimed at broadening its reach within the cigar retail industry, Luxury Cigar Club has announced a partnership with Rail City Cigars, a well-regarded cigar lounge located in Reno, Nevada. This collaboration will see Rail City Cigars transitioning to operate under the new name “Luxury Cigar Club NV”, signifying a significant step in Luxury Cigar Club’s strategy to extend its brick-and-mortar operations.

Effective immediately, the establishment formerly known as Rail City Cigars will deliver its services and premium cigar offerings under the Luxury Cigar Club NV branding. This change aims to maintain the high standard of service and the selection of premium cigars that members and customers of Luxury Cigar Club have become accustomed to. Additionally, the club’s cigar of the month subscription service, known for its curated premium selections delivered to members’ doors, will continue its operations as a separate entity.

Ben Rotem, Co-Owner of Luxury Cigar Club, expressed enthusiasm about the partnership, emphasizing the alignment with the club’s mission to offer an unparalleled selection and quality to its members. The integration of Jason Evanchak and the team from Rail City Cigars into the Luxury Cigar Club family is anticipated to enhance the service and product offerings available to members.

This collaboration between Luxury Cigar Club and Rail City Cigars underlines a shared commitment to providing premium cigar experiences to aficionados in the Reno area and beyond, promising a new chapter of growth and community engagement for both entities.