Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour Petit Panetela: Global Launch and Regular Production
Davidoff has reintroduced the Winston Churchill The Late Hour Petit Panetela, initially launched in 2020 as a limited edition. This cigar, previously available only in international markets, is now a part of the regular production line and accessible globally, including in American stores.
The Petit Panetela is a 4 x 38 petite corona vitola, featuring an Ecuadorian habano oscuro wrapper and a Mexican San Andrés negro binder. The blend comprises Dominican olor, piloto, and San Vicente fillers, along with Sumatran tobacco and Nicaraguan leaves from Condega and Estelí. Notably, the Condega leaves are aged in Scotch whisky casks. Differentiating from other sizes in the series, this variant is a mixed filler cigar, using whole leaf wrapper and binder, but with a filler composed of leftover tobacco cuts.
Pricing and Packaging
Each cigar is priced at $10.10 and is available in tins of four cigars.
Davidoff Winston Churchill-Branded Humidors
Accompanying the cigar release are two new humidors. The Davidoff Winston Churchill The Raconteur Primos Humidor, designed to hold 25-35 cigars, measures 10.98 x 9.41 x 4.25 inches. It features an oak exterior and anigre wood interior, with a Davidoff Slim Regulator and four dividers. The lid displays the Winston Churchill silhouette logo and text from his book, “My Early Life.” It is priced at $2,600.
The larger Davidoff Winston Churchill The Raconteur Ambassador Humidor can accommodate 70-80 cigars. It measures 15.1 x 9.45 x 5.63 inches and has a black tulipwood exterior with an anigre wood interior. This humidor includes a Davidoff Slim regulator and a removable tray, with a price of $3,400. Both humidors are manufactured in France, and a limited number of 40 units of each will be available in U.S. stores.
This introduction from Davidoff provides a nuanced cigar option for enthusiasts and luxurious humidors for collectors, integrating quality craftsmanship with a nod to historical influence.