Cigar Review: Hispaniola El Trabuco 1844
Hispaniola Cigars are a hot commodity in New York City. They are carried at nearly every cigar shop, and sold at some other more exotic locations like Merchants on the UES. In any case, I dropped by Nat Sherman a few days back to give the Hispaniola El Trabuco 1844 a review, and lo and behold – Nat Sherman was out of stock for the entire line of Hispaniola Cigars. So, the next day I dropped by the Barclay Rex next door and picked up the beauty you see above and below. As for the significance of “1844” – the El Trabuco 1844 is named to commemorate the war of 1844, which led to the Dominican Republic’s independence. And now for the review…
Blend Specifics
Size: Belicoso (5.5 x 55)
Wrapper: Havano Rosado Vuelta Arriba
Binder: Dominican
Filler: Dominican
Appearance & Construction
The El Trabuco 1844 is constructed flawlessly. The rich, dark brown Rosado wrapper is contrasted perfectly with the gold, white, and pumpkin-orange band. Overall, very rustic design. Very few visible veins, an oily wrapper, and slightly springy to the touch. The pre-light draw reveals spice and cedar. The draw is comfortable. The scent off the foot brings granola, cedar, sweet earth.
Flavor & Smoke Characteristics
The first third of the Trabuco kicks off with lush, medium bodied smoke. Notes include coffee, earth, sweet cedar, and some savory notes. The draw remains good and produces plumes of thick, white smoke. About a quarter inch in, the spice and earth diminish leaving the texture soft and creamy and bringing the wood to the forefront. The retro hale brings a satisfying blast of spice and cedar.
At two thirds, the wood transitions into a strong, savory meaty ness complimented by sweet cream. Unique and enjoyable, though at times the flavors are a little out of balance to my palate. Construction remains flawless. In the final third, the balance of the flavors change intermittently, and a subtle coffee and toasted nut flavor edges in. In the final few minutes of this smoke, the cedar and spice returns, and I enjoy a few more great retrohales before putting this cigar down.
In a cigar world dominated by the ‘spicy Nicaraguan’, the Hispaniola El Trabuco 1844 demonstrates what Dominican tobacco is capable of in terms of flavor and strength. This cigar is to be sipped, not devoured greedily. Smoke it too fast and you will risk missing some of the flavors, or killing your palate. I absolutely recommend buying this cigar.
Final Grade: A-