Small Cigar Shops Go Mobile
By now, everyone is aware of the increasing push in the United States, headed by the FDA, to regulate the sale, advertisement, and enjoyment of premium cigars. In response, the industry as a whole has made a big effort to try to ensure that premium cigars can still be enjoyed. Small lounges, for the most part, have stuck to promoting the DC lobbying efforts and encouraging customers to join Cigar Rights of America. Some, however, have broken the mold.
The past couple of years has seen the growth of an interesting idea: mobile cigar shops. Broadway Cigar, in my hometown of Portland, OR, launched the “Lounge and Safe Haven for Cigar Smokers” – a mobile truck with a beautiful interior and thousands of premium cigars (pictures below).
And Broadway isn’t the only cigar company going mobile. Ron and Wendy Reidi of Moore Township, Pennsylvania created their own mobile cigar lounge called Street Car Cigars.
What’s in it, you ask? Not just cigars. Inside is an expansive space that can seat more than a dozen (that’s more than some New York City cigar lounges!) and also has flat screen T.V.s and a stereo system.
I’m not sure exactly how many mobile cigar shops there are in the U.S. so far, but I’ll be excited to see more. And maybe, just maybe, we’ll be lucky enough to see one of these mobile cigar shops sitting somewhere in Manhattan.
Ok, that’s stretching the imagination a bit. But it would be pretty cool.
Know of any other cool lounges or mobile shops? Let us know about them in the comments section below!