Blind Cigar Review: Weller by Cohiba
In the cigar world, collaborations are not uncommon. There are blenders working with other blenders, celebrity projects, even Chef’s having their palates challenged to create a cigar accenting the flavors they create at their restaurants (Davidoff Chef’s Edition comes to mind). Of course, cigars created to pair with spirits seems to be the biggest “no brainer”. With this in mind, General Cigar teamed up with Weller bourbon and their non-Cuban brand Cohiba to create Weller by Cohiba. This robusto was designed to work with their wheated bourbon, allowing the smoker and bourbon fan to enjoy both pleasures in harmony. It should be noted, however, that Weller doesn’t feature any barrel aging of the tobaccos like other spirits-associated blends.
Blend Specifics
- Cigar Reviewed: Weller by Cohiba
- Wrapper: Honduran
- Binder: Connecticut Habano
- Filler: Nicaraguan
- Size: 5” ½ (Robusto)
Blind Review: Cohiba Weller
Appearance and Construction
This robusto has a dark toothy, wrapper that appears almost near black. There are a few soft spots in the middle of the cigar as I squeeze it. The foot smells damp and earthy.
Flavor & Smoke Characteristics
I decide to use my Xikar scissors, clipping just enough off the head. The draw dry has the right amount of resistance and offers a damp and earthy profile. I’m getting a tanginess on my lips from the wrapper and striking a long match, I begin toasting the cigar. With my first draw, there’s a grittiness along with earth and fresh tobacco. While the smoke wafts through my mouth, I’m picking up coffee with a slight minerality on the finish. Taking a retrohale there are floral notes combined with cedar on the exhale. The cigar is billowing with smoke and is medium bodied at present.
At midway, the ash is gray and quite flaky. The burn line is askew, and the smoke production is quite dense. There’s milk chocolate and oats as I take another draw, while the finish is on the medium side. The retrohale delivers roasted peanuts with buttery notes on the back end. As a few minutes go by, I’m picking up cereal and wheat as I slowly puff. The body continues to lean towards more medium with leather drying out my mouth. There’s some pronounced cedar and vanilla as more smoke coats my tongue and comes on rather strong. I’m getting some noticeable sweetness from the wrapper at this point.
As I reach the final third of the cigar, the smoke continues to become overabundant although it never runs hot. The lengthy draw I take delivers spice upfront with mustard seed on the finish. The intensity of flavors is picking up with oak, leather and peppery notes coming through. As I take a retrohale, wheat and spice are dominate followed by a sharp minerality. With a last puff the robusto ends with earth, leather, and cocoa on the mid palate.
This robusto started off gritty which had me concerned. But it transitioned nicely to earth, wood and wheat notes. The sweetness that gave way during the middle of the smoke accented the nuttiness and cocoa flavors that developed as it burned on. At the last third spice, mustard seed followed by minerals ended with a medium finish.
When I found out this was Weller by Cohiba, my first thought was that the wheat notes would certainly bode well with a wheated bourbon. Although not the most complex cigar, the Weller by Cohiba was enjoyable and delivered different tastes that I haven’t had in a while. If I had another, I would certainly be sipping Weller alongside it although at an MSRP of $19.99 I caution the quality/value ratio. If you don’t’ mind its price, then I’d say it’s worth a try.
October 7, 2022 @ 12:31 pm
Couldn’t agree more. This is a $10-12 stick, dressing up as a much higher quality cigar. 10 years ago it would be worth the price, but today, the competition is too steep.