Whisky Review: Pine Barrens “Sunrise Wildfire Moon”
From the continuously innovative mind of Rich Stabile owner of Long Island Distillery comes the Pine Barrens Sunrise Wildfire Moon. What makes this spirit more unique than the traditional “un-aged” whisky that seems to flood the market is that Sunrise Wildfire Moon uses a 100% English style high hop malted barley wine ale for their mash. It is then double pot distilled and aged slightly in American oak. This is a break from the traditional mash and style almost every other un-aged spirit maker uses and the profile in the Sunrise Wildfire Moon is a testament to Rich’s pursuit of quality and originality in spirit making. The name Sunrise Wildfire Moon is an acknowledgement to the 1995 Pine Barrens Wildfires that damaged over 7,000 acres of forest on Long Island which is the home of Long Island Distillery. The rare dwarf pine cones on the label of Sunrise Wildfire Moon harken to the ecosystem unique to Long Island. I was fortunate enough to sample their Batch #1 and the results were quite pleasing. Enjoy.
Spirit: Pine Barrens “Sunrise Wildfire Moon” Batch #1
Appearance: Clear like an un-aged spirit ala moonshine. Thin long legs slide down the glass when swirled.
Nose: Malty, warm spice, medicinal.
Taste: Lots of malty flavors to start with a hint of cinnamon spice. Refined mouthfeel unlike a lot of un-aged whiskies that are rough on the palate. The slight cask aging in this spirit really brings out the nuances of the barley wine ale. The second sip welcomes more of that hoppy malt activating a scope of flavors that give complexity to the whisky. The finish is sweet and malty with a warm spice lingering long on the palate. A truly unique and high quality whisky that can easily be savored in a snifter glass neat.
Conclusion: Once again Rich has hit the mark with a high quality whisky that continues to push the styles that can be created from quality ingredients and precision craft sprit making. If your local does not carry Sunrise Wildfire Moon then you need to request it as its worth seeking out and enjoying on a nice summer evening.
Website info: www.lispirits.com
July 29, 2014 @ 9:34 am
That’s sounds wonderful Christian. I will be contacting them as I have a party coming up and this will be perfect. I am excited to taste an unaged whisky that isn’t harsh tasting.
July 29, 2014 @ 9:41 am
I visited the Distillery last week and the place was awesome. Rich the owner was extremely friendly and informative. The Sunrise Wildfire Moon was exactly as you describe and I loved the flavors. I also enjoyed their Bourbon and Ryes and picked up several bottles. Thank you for the article.