Steve Saka’s Newest Cigar, Polpetta, Debuts at Premium Cigar Association Trade Show

photo via Steve Saka Facebook post

In a recent Facebook post, cigar maker Steve Saka announced his latest creation, Polpetta, will be open for stock order at the 2023 Premium Cigar Association (PCA) Trade Show, which kicks off tomorrow in Las Vegas.

Polpetta presents an innovative approach to cigar crafting, utilizing what Saka refers to as ‘chaveta cuts’ – the trimmings typically produced during the crafting of high-end Broadleaf ligas. Traditionally, factories collect these trimmings from the production of various long-filler, handmade cigars and then create less expensive, constantly varying short-fill, or sandwich cigars. This common practice helps factory owners recover some material costs while also minimizing waste.

However, Polpetta diverges from this norm, representing a non-traditional approach to the ‘waste not, want not’ philosophy of cigar manufacturing. Saka has transformed what is typically considered waste into an innovative, high-quality product.

“For Polpetta, we carefully save only the very best table trimmings from the making of our premium Broadleaf ligas such as Mi Querida, including the Triqui Traca and Black variations, Umbagog, and Red Meat Lovers,” Saka stated in his announcement. The process involves diligent sorting of cuts for specific tobaccos, pairing those with two long leaf tripas to maintain a consistent filler recipe. The meticulously prepared bunch is then secured with a first-rate San Andreas Negro binder and wrapped with the outer cuts from premium Broadleaf capa.

In Saka’s hands, the Polpetta represents a unique elevation of the sandwich-style cigar, executed with precision and using only the finest ingredients. The petite robustos burn cool and hold an ash, offering a properly balanced draw and a rich, robust smoking experience.

Despite being made from ‘cortes medianos’ or ‘middle cuts’, Polpetta stands up to many long-filler handmade cigars that come at a higher price. As Saka noted, “If we didn’t disclose that these toothy, petite robustos were ‘cortes medianos’, the smoker would likely never know.”

Polpetta is ideal for the seasoned cigar smoker looking for top-notch flavor at a minimal cost. The PCA 2023 attendees will have the first opportunity to stock up on these exceptional cigars, reinforcing the event’s status as a must-attend for cigar enthusiasts and retailers.