Avoiding the Strange Death of the Cigar Industry

In his 2017 book The Strange Death of Europe, political commentator Douglas Murray argues that Europe is—in slow but certain fashion—committing suicide. Whether by mass immigration or declining local birth rates, Douglas argues that European civilization is, with little opposition by Europeans, undermining its very existence.
Comparing the cigar industry in America to Douglas’s Europe might sound like a stretch. Unfortunately, it isn’t.
Like Douglas’s Europe, the cigar industry has a chief rival and threat—for us, a powerful government agency called the FDA with a stated goal of completely eliminating tobacco use. It has demonstrated it will use any means necessary to put tobacco companies out of business. All it needs to enact sweeping, destructive regulations like plain packaging or defacto bans on new products entering the market, is a compelling political reason.
Like, for instance, cigar companies marketing their products to kids.
Of course, marketing cigars to kids sounds preposterous. Premium cigars are too expensive. Kids certainly don’t like cigars—most adults don’t either!
But imagine with me for a moment a public hearing where FDA officials present images proving that cigar companies are seeking younger consumers by branding cigars to be attractive to kids?
For instance, making cigars that reference popular children’s show characters:
Or by making cigars that look like candy bars.
Will an 11 year old kid spend $10 to buy a premium cigar? No, of course not. But whether it’s realistic or not doesn’t matter—all the FDA, or federal or state anti-tobacco legislators need to crush the cigar industry is a plausible harm to the public. Marketing tobacco to minors is at the top of the list of plausible harms.
Let’s imagine what the possible implications are for the cigar industry if screenshots like the ones above made their way into the hands of anti-tobacco congressional staffers or FDA interns.
- Outright bans on new product, or regulations so stifling new products are impossible to bring to market
- Tax increases at state and federal levels on premium cigars
- Plain packaging requirements
- Bans on granting new tobacco retail licenses (see NYC)
- Bans on any positive media around cigars/cigar smoking—including on social media or blogs like this one
These regulations would drastically affect our industry for the worst. And though they might seem far off, just ask our BOTL’s in Canada to the north how quickly plain packaging was implemented and how it has degraded the cigar culture there.
So what’s the “strange” part of the strange death of the cigar industry? To me, what’s strange is that few, if any, cigar smokers or media members have spoken out publicly against brands who seem intent on creating a PR crisis for this industry. As far as I can tell, smokers know that branding a cigar to look like candy or children’s cartoon characters is dangerous. I ran a poll on that question on Instagram a month ago and out of 134 votes, 92 (69%) agreed the practice is irresponsible. But for every one comment about how it’s not a good idea, there are a hundred more instagram posts and youtube videos promoting the products.
The bottom line is, a small group of brands (Privada Cigar Club and Ezra Zion to name two) are putting the entire cigar industry at risk gimmicky marketing. And if unchallenged, they’ll likely set the stage for more brands to follow suite with similar designs. And that will get the attention of the bureaucrats and the politicians.
It’s hard to imagine an America with a radically stifled cigar market; where new blends are rare, cigars are astronomically expensive, and smoking in lounges is a thing of the past. But most cigar brand owners and retailers I’ve spoken to are keenly aware of just how fragile our current freedoms are.
So how do we avoid this strange death of the cigar industry? It’s pretty simple actually. Brands: put the children’s characters, knock-off candy bars, and video game characters down. There’s plenty of room for fun in branding—and no reason to be reckless. For consumers, my advice is: stop buying cigars that feature packaging designs you know would raise the interest of a kid or teenager. And stop buying products from the companies that make them.
Together, we can preserve this incredible industry. We just have to try.
November 2, 2021 @ 6:04 am
Wholeheartedly agree
January 13, 2022 @ 11:00 am
Thanks Tommy
January 13, 2022 @ 10:44 am
I don’t know man. Alcohol industry comes out with all kinds of products that target younger demographics i.e. seltzers. The gun industry has a problem with under aged youth getting access to their products. The ATF isn’t ripping these things off the shelves. #weareprivada #wearetheindustry
January 13, 2022 @ 11:00 am
There is overwhelming evidence that the FDA considers marketing/branding that in any way appeals to kids as a NO GO. Other industries aren’t relevant here–tobacco is its own animal.
January 13, 2022 @ 10:51 am
When Privada Cigar Club put this cigar out 3 years ago we had a private club of about 1000 members. the cigar came in our monthly sub and NEVER was on shelves. This website should not have advertised this cigar for sale like this. IT is not our website. Also, our cigars do not sit on shelves. They move in a weekend. The FDA is clamping down on cigars not because of any cigar branding. This started way before Privada even existed. The death of this industry the way we know it is unavoidable. Enjoy it while it lasts. #wereprivada
January 13, 2022 @ 10:59 am
Thanks for commenting, Brian. While it’s true that the FDA opposition to the cigar industry predates questions of edgy cigar branding, it’s untrue that tobacco branding doesn’t play a role. There’s ample evidence that the FDA is hypersensitive to any marketing/branding that could entice children to try tobacco products. Here I’ll quote from an FDA release from April of 2018:
“Companies selling these products have a responsibility to ensure they aren’t putting children in harm’s way or enticing youth use, and we’ll continue to take action against those who sell tobacco products to youth and market products in this egregious fashion,” said FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D.”
The truth is, we need leaders in the cigar industry—leaders like you—to be responsible with how cigar brands are conceived and marketed. As a fellow marketer and brand builder, I have tremendous respect for what you and your team have built and are building. But as your influence grows, so does your responsibility to conduct business in a way that doesn’t jeopardize the industry as a whole. Wouldn’t you agree?