Davidoff Celebrates 10th Anniversary of Nicaragua Line with Limited Edition Releases
Davidoff Cigars has launched a unique gran toro cigar and an exquisite cutter to mark the 10th anniversary of its popular Nicaragua line. The celebration highlights the brand’s trailblazing path since the launch of this line, which laid the foundation for its innovative Black Band Collection, widely beloved by cigar aficionados worldwide.
In 2013, Davidoff ventured into fresh terrain, introducing the Nicaragua line with the first Davidoff cigar to carry a black band. The line diversifies Davidoff’s portfolio, adding a fiery intensity drawn from Nicaragua’s volcanic soil to their existing offerings, traditionally known for their milder Dominican blends. Edward Simon, CMO at Oettinger Davidoff, said, “We wanted to please those looking for a more intense palate stimulation. For our Nicaragua 10th Anniversary Limited Edition, our experts took on a new challenge to create yet more depth for our loyal aficionados.”
The limited-edition gran toro cigar captures the spirit of the Nicaragua blend while elevating it to a new sensory level. It underscores Davidoff’s commitment to creating unprecedented tastes, with a special emphasis on ageing of the tobaccos. The combined age of the wrapper, binder, and filler tobaccos used in this cigar is a remarkable 45 years. A unique feature of this offering is the EstelĂ seco filler tobacco aged in rum casks for six months, a pioneering move for Davidoff. This lends the cigar a depth and complexity that is sure to delight enthusiasts.
Davidoff describes the taste experience of the gran toro as a journey to peak Nicaragua. Initially, it entices with complex nutty flavours, gradually evolving to reveal notes of fresh spice, leather, oak wood, and intriguing hints of eucalyptus. As the cigar comes to its close, the intensity crescendos, with flavours morphing from milk coffee to black coffee, punctuated by fresh herbs and persistent toasting notes.
The 10th Anniversary Limited Edition package includes 12 gran toro cigars housed in a wooden box with a varnished Nicaragua pattern. The box is accentuated with a striking frame and a 10th anniversary sticker on the lid, underscoring the significance of the occasion.
Complementing the limited edition cigar is the Double Blade Cutter Limited Edition. Made in Germany of brushed stainless steel in matte black with silver blades, this cutter embodies the Davidoff Nicaragua aesthetic. It features elegant engravings, including the Davidoff logo and a unique serial number, making it a statement piece and collector’s item.
Starting July 6, 2023*, the Nicaragua 10th Anniversary Limited Edition cigars and Double Blade Cutter will be available at select Davidoff Appointed Merchants, premium cigar retailers, and Davidoff flagship stores.
As Davidoff continues to explore and elevate the world of cigars, aficionados can look forward to a time beautifully filled with these new releases.
*Launch dates and availability may vary depending on country. For more details, visit davidoff.com.