Gran Habano is introducing a new product to their lineup, the G.A.R. American Standard, with an expected release in September 2023. Responding to a market demand for cost-effective options, the company is aiming to provide a balance between affordability and quality with this new release.
The G.A.R. American Standard is a Nicaraguan puro with a medium to full body. The flavor profile features dark chocolate with black pepper notes in the finish, a characteristic attributed to the brand’s creator, George Rico. It represents the company’s attempt to deliver a nuanced cigar experience at a more accessible price point.
The company’s production target for the G.A.R. American Standard is roughly 750,000 cigars annually, equating to about 15,000 boxes of 50. The cigar will be a regular production item.
The G.A.R. American Standard will be offered in multiple sizes:
Robusto 5 x 50 (MSRP $5.50)
Gran Robusto 6 x 54 (MSRP $6.00)
Imperial 6 x 60 (MSRP $6.40)
Czar 6 x 66 (MSRP $6.80)
Grandioso 7 x 70 (MSRP $7.00)
Gran Habano is presenting the G.A.R. American Standard at the 2023 PCA trade show in Las Vegas this week.
For further information about Gran Habano, their website is and they can be reached directly at (305) 436-5960.
In a recent Facebook post, cigar maker Steve Saka announced his latest creation, Polpetta, will be open for stock order at the 2023 Premium Cigar Association (PCA) Trade Show, which kicks off tomorrow in Las Vegas.
Polpetta presents an innovative approach to cigar crafting, utilizing what Saka refers to as ‘chaveta cuts’ – the trimmings typically produced during the crafting of high-end Broadleaf ligas. Traditionally, factories collect these trimmings from the production of various long-filler, handmade cigars and then create less expensive, constantly varying short-fill, or sandwich cigars. This common practice helps factory owners recover some material costs while also minimizing waste.
However, Polpetta diverges from this norm, representing a non-traditional approach to the ‘waste not, want not’ philosophy of cigar manufacturing. Saka has transformed what is typically considered waste into an innovative, high-quality product.
“For Polpetta, we carefully save only the very best table trimmings from the making of our premium Broadleaf ligas such as Mi Querida, including the Triqui Traca and Black variations, Umbagog, and Red Meat Lovers,” Saka stated in his announcement. The process involves diligent sorting of cuts for specific tobaccos, pairing those with two long leaf tripas to maintain a consistent filler recipe. The meticulously prepared bunch is then secured with a first-rate San Andreas Negro binder and wrapped with the outer cuts from premium Broadleaf capa.
In Saka’s hands, the Polpetta represents a unique elevation of the sandwich-style cigar, executed with precision and using only the finest ingredients. The petite robustos burn cool and hold an ash, offering a properly balanced draw and a rich, robust smoking experience.
Despite being made from ‘cortes medianos’ or ‘middle cuts’, Polpetta stands up to many long-filler handmade cigars that come at a higher price. As Saka noted, “If we didn’t disclose that these toothy, petite robustos were ‘cortes medianos’, the smoker would likely never know.”
Polpetta is ideal for the seasoned cigar smoker looking for top-notch flavor at a minimal cost. The PCA 2023 attendees will have the first opportunity to stock up on these exceptional cigars, reinforcing the event’s status as a must-attend for cigar enthusiasts and retailers.
Davidoff Cigars has launched a unique gran toro cigar and an exquisite cutter to mark the 10th anniversary of its popular Nicaragua line. The celebration highlights the brand’s trailblazing path since the launch of this line, which laid the foundation for its innovative Black Band Collection, widely beloved by cigar aficionados worldwide.
In 2013, Davidoff ventured into fresh terrain, introducing the Nicaragua line with the first Davidoff cigar to carry a black band. The line diversifies Davidoff’s portfolio, adding a fiery intensity drawn from Nicaragua’s volcanic soil to their existing offerings, traditionally known for their milder Dominican blends. Edward Simon, CMO at Oettinger Davidoff, said, “We wanted to please those looking for a more intense palate stimulation. For our Nicaragua 10th Anniversary Limited Edition, our experts took on a new challenge to create yet more depth for our loyal aficionados.”
The limited-edition gran toro cigar captures the spirit of the Nicaragua blend while elevating it to a new sensory level. It underscores Davidoff’s commitment to creating unprecedented tastes, with a special emphasis on ageing of the tobaccos. The combined age of the wrapper, binder, and filler tobaccos used in this cigar is a remarkable 45 years. A unique feature of this offering is the Estelí seco filler tobacco aged in rum casks for six months, a pioneering move for Davidoff. This lends the cigar a depth and complexity that is sure to delight enthusiasts.
Davidoff describes the taste experience of the gran toro as a journey to peak Nicaragua. Initially, it entices with complex nutty flavours, gradually evolving to reveal notes of fresh spice, leather, oak wood, and intriguing hints of eucalyptus. As the cigar comes to its close, the intensity crescendos, with flavours morphing from milk coffee to black coffee, punctuated by fresh herbs and persistent toasting notes.
The 10th Anniversary Limited Edition package includes 12 gran toro cigars housed in a wooden box with a varnished Nicaragua pattern. The box is accentuated with a striking frame and a 10th anniversary sticker on the lid, underscoring the significance of the occasion.
Complementing the limited edition cigar is the Double Blade Cutter Limited Edition. Made in Germany of brushed stainless steel in matte black with silver blades, this cutter embodies the Davidoff Nicaragua aesthetic. It features elegant engravings, including the Davidoff logo and a unique serial number, making it a statement piece and collector’s item.
Starting July 6, 2023*, the Nicaragua 10th Anniversary Limited Edition cigars and Double Blade Cutter will be available at select Davidoff Appointed Merchants, premium cigar retailers, and Davidoff flagship stores.
As Davidoff continues to explore and elevate the world of cigars, aficionados can look forward to a time beautifully filled with these new releases.
*Launch dates and availability may vary depending on country. For more details, visit
Joya de Nicaragua, the first cigar factory in Nicaragua and a long-standing pillar of the cigar industry, has announced the release of “Cinco de Cinco,” a new addition to its ultra-premium Obras Maestras line. The cigar celebrates the company’s 55th anniversary, serving as a testament to its longevity, expertise, and deep roots in the Nicaraguan tobacco community.
Juan Ignacio Martínez, Executive President of Joya de Nicaragua, says, “This cigar was made with the people, by the people, and for the people. Our past is all about tobacco. Our bright future is all about tobacco. We are here, stronger than ever, thanks to our wonderful community of amigos.”
The name “Cinco de Cinco” translates to “Five out of Five” and is reflective of the exceptional craftsmanship poured into this special release. This perfect scoring recipe is the product of the countless cigar blending sessions held at Joya de Nicaragua’s factory in Estelí, during which the company’s master blenders pored over hundreds of blending records.
The Cinco de Cinco cigar boasts ultra-vintage tobaccos, including a Mexican San Andres wrapper and Nicaraguan fillers and binders, presented in a soft-pressed format. The blend has been described as a five out of five in profile and complexity: full-bodied and medium strength, offering deep, rich, earthy flavors complemented by hints of cocoa and dark chocolate. The cigar comes wrapped in an eye-catching emerald green. Martínez explains, “An emerald symbolizes love, wisdom, growth, and prosperity—values very much embodied in this blend. It is indeed a rare and mystical jewel.”
The Cinco de Cinco will make its grand debut at the PCA Convention and Trade Show in Las Vegas this July and will be made available to all retailers at the event. The cigar will also be featured at InterTabac in Dortmund in September 2023. It will hit US shelves starting in September, with a global release following in October.
Cigar enthusiasts can anticipate five distinct, semi-box pressed vitolas, with three available in the USA and two exclusive for international markets. The cigars will come in 10-count boxes, providing ample opportunity for aficionados worldwide to experience this celebratory release.
J.C. Newman Cigar Co. and the LeRoy Neiman and the Janet Byrne Neiman Foundation have announced a new collaboration: the LeRoy Neiman 2023 Collector’s Edition cigars. Unveiled at the Premium Cigar Association Trade Show in Las Vegas, this luxury, handcrafted cigar brings together America’s oldest family-owned premium cigar maker with the foundation of the iconic cigar-loving artist, LeRoy Neiman. Significantly, all profits from this collaboration will be channeled towards arts education in public schools.
Drew Newman, fourth-generation owner of J.C. Newman, spoke on the synergy between art and the cigar industry, emphasizing Neiman’s signature fusion of creativity and fine cigars. Tara Zabor, Executive Director of the LeRoy Neiman and Janet Byrne Neiman Foundation, also echoed this sentiment, remarking on how cigars were a ritualistic part of Neiman’s creative process.
The Collector’s Edition cigars are handmade at J.C. Newman’s El Reloj cigar factory in Tampa, Florida. The 2023 release is a 6” x 52 toro crafted with a Havana Rosado wrapper, Florida Sun Grown binder, and a blend of aged Latin American filler tobaccos. Limited to 10,000 cigars, the product is presented in 500 cabinets, each containing 20 cigars. The cost per cigar is set at a suggested retail price of $20.
Each cabinet holds an authentic lithograph of Neiman’s 1978 painting, “Irish-American Bar.” The image is wrapped around each cigar, and the cabinet’s bottom features a print of Neiman’s paint-splattered New York City studio floor.
The Foundation’s profits from the collaboration will be used to support arts education in Tampa’s public schools, including those surrounding the El Reloj cigar factory.
J.C. Newman plans to release the LeRoy Neiman 2023 Collector’s Edition cigars to the top U.S. cigar retailers in November.