Cigar Community on Instagram Continues Growing

Tom Cassano over at LongFillersLounge (a great new cigar blog) recently posted a really interesting commentary titled “Social Media Bringing Cigar Smokers Together.” In it, Tom recommends Instagram as a great app for any smartphone user who also smokes cigars. It might seem a little weird to be interacting with cigar smokers online you’ve never met, but really, it isn’t. In fact, I’ve met more than a handful of people from Instagram at cigar lounges in the city, especially Cigar Inn which seems to have a big Instagram community going.
If you’re just getting on to Instagram, take a few photos, but be sure to check out hashtags like #cigars #nowsmoking #cigarsociety and more. Once you get plugged in you’ll find your way around. It seems to have worked with Tom and myself, so let it work for you.
You can read the full article on LongFillersLounge here.
Oh, and dont’ forget to follow LongFillersLounge on Instagram @tom_cassano and follow us @finetobacconyc!